Welcome to Chiropractic Wellness of Middletown From initial evaluation through recovery, every patient that comes to our Middletown NY office will have a highly skilled and caring chiropractor helping them. Are your suffering from neck pain or lower back pain?...
Chiropractors Help Less Fortunate in Ethiopia

Chiropractors Help Less Fortunate in Ethiopia

MIDDLETOWN, NY – Dr. Stephen Brune from the chiropractic center on Dolson Avenue recently returned from a trip to Ethiopia with 30 other physicians from around the country. These physicians travel twice a year to far away places where no medical care is...
Dr. Steve in Myanmar

Dr. Steve in Myanmar

“I encourage people to reach out and help others with no thought of getting anything back and see how it feels. It just might change your life like it changed mine,” says Doctor of Chiropractic Stephen Brune Dr. Brune, along with 12 physicians and 6...
Safely Take Your Fitness to the Next Level

Safely Take Your Fitness to the Next Level

So you’ve been exercising regularly for a while, but you start to notice that the fitness gains you experience are no longer as great as when you first started. This is because you now have to work harder to challenge your stronger body. If you are in this...
Space-age Solution to Air Purification

Space-age Solution to Air Purification

It appears that our office and apartment spaces share something in common with a NASA spaceship — poor air quality. In an effort to save energy on heating and cooling, a lot of buildings were sealed and insulated. The problem with this: as more and more people...

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