Dr. Jay Spina, a chiropractor, was at the U.S. Army 2nd Aviation Detachment hangar at Stewart International Airport last week to showcase the chiropractic profession and the role of a chiropractor in treating diseases without the need for drugs. The event, Y2Kids Career Expo, aims to introduce kids to the different career options available to them when they grow up.

Dr. Spina answered questions pertaining to the chiropractic profession and how chiropractic adjustments are becoming the preferred treatment for neck and back pain. “Our youth is being led to believe that drugs are the only solution to all our problems.” Dr. Spina said. “It is our job to take these misconception out of their minds and educate them about the deadly effects of drugs,” he added.

Dr. Spina handed out teacher’s kits, and played a series of videos that show the truths and myths about drugs. Students also signed a Drug Free Pledge banner and received booklets with information about the harmful effects of drugs.

As this event was taking place, diplomats from around the world gathered in New York city to discuss global drug policy at the United Nations General Assembly Special Session on drugs. Dolson Avenue Medical supports the United Nations in its commitment to working toward a drug free world.

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