Why use a stability ball?

Exercising with a stability ball as opposed to exercising on a flat surface has a very important benefit: It strengthens more muscles without needing to add more load. The unstable nature of the ball means that the body has to activate more muscles to maintain balance.

Choosing the right size

When buying an exercise ball, size does matter. It’s important to find out the correct size ball for your height. You should be able to sit at the ball with your thighs parallel to the ground, and your knees bent at a 90° angle. Here are basic guidelines to follow:

If you are 4’11” to 5’4″ tall, consider using a 55 cm ball.
If you are 5’4″ to 5’11” tall, try exercising on a 65 cm ball
Are you 5’11” to 6′ 7″ in height? The 75 cm ball may be your best choice

Effective stability ball exercises you can do at home

Below are links to videos that demonstrate some simple exercises that you can do with the stability ball:

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